A truly multidisciplinary team with expertise in film and advertising production at a national and international level and a reputation that opens doors.


Corso Genova, 28
20123 Milano | Italy


Features Films

Directed by Paolo Mannarino
Written by Paolo Mannarino, Alessia Rotondo

Matteo, freshly 18 and ensnared in a tense relationship with his father, is a pool shark by nature. Meanwhile, Maria, a year his junior at 17, is the second in a line of six sisters, her future a canvas of possibilities yet to be painted. Their paths cross and sparks fly, a natural teen romance blossoming, but there’s a twist: their love story unfolds under the watchful eyes of the Neocatechumenal Community—a religious sect with a firm grip on its members, where any step out of line invites scrutiny and punishment. In this oppressive world, Matteo and Maria’s love is not just an act of affection but a daring rebellion. Battling against their families and the strictures of their community, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, striving to forge their own identities and define their desires on their own terms.