A truly multidisciplinary team with expertise in film and advertising production at a national and international level and a reputation that opens doors.


Corso Genova, 28
20123 Milano | Italy



Written and directed by Edoardo Fischetti

“La Santa” is a documentary that delves into the festival of Saint Agatha in Catania, a faith-based event drawing a million people each year. Through the interwoven perspectives of a clergyman, a journalist, and a devout follower, we uncover how the festival unfolds and what it represents for the Sicilian city, its residents, and the tourists crowding the streets of the historic center. Amidst the blend of faith and power, what is truly being celebrated? What happens when culture, politics, and society converge? Since 2009, the festival has undergone a significant transformation, adapting its traditions in a balance between respecting history and integrating modernity, between maintaining authenticity and increasing safety. The documentary “La Santa” aims to deeply explore the soul of Catania and its inhabitants, bringing to light the most hidden and controversial aspects of the celebration. Through the testimonies of a priest, a journalist, and a devout individual, we highlight the festival’s role as a meeting point among different social layers and as a phenomenon affecting the social and political life of Catania. The celebration reveals itself as a theater of excesses, where religious fervor, social and political tensions intertwine, reflecting the complexity and contradictions of the community. Thus, the festival becomes a powerful tool for exploring the multifaceted nature of the city.